WASHINGTON, D.C., September 30, 2023 (India TV News): The Art of Living foundation conducted its World Culture Festival 2023 at the National Mall in Washington DC, United States. Hundreds of thousands of people from across the world came together for the event. Union External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar, who is in the United States abd former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon were among the many dignitaries attended the event. Speaking at the event, Art of Living founder Sri Sri Ravi Shankar said, “we all belong to one global family” adding that life is too short for conflicts and called for the world to face challenges pragmatically and to dream for a better future. “Let us once again reaffirm our faith in the goodness of humanity. There is a lot of goodwill and the desire to do good in society,” Ravi Shankar said “Let us face the challenges pragmatically; accept the challenges and dream for a better future for this and the coming generation,” he said.

Speaking at the occasion, Jaishankar said, “Congratulations to the Art of Living who under the inspiration and guidance of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar have brought us all together.” Jaishankar said the big global challenges like climate change and economic progress cannot be effectively addressed in isolation and it has become even more important to bring the world together. The event in its fourth edition over the next three days is expected to draw more than a million people from over 100 countries. This mega-cultural event will witness the performances of more than 17,000 artists from over 180 countries. Over 1,000 leaders from business, government and international institutions attending the festival will gather for the Global Leadership Forum (GLF) on September 30.
