BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, December 20, 2000: The review of “Kali’s Child” by Swami Tyagananda of the Ramakrishna Mission, Boston, is up on the Infinity Foundation website. His review discusses every instance of the Bengali translation that he considers as false, misleading or from a non-existent source. It is 100+ pages in length. For those who are new to this matter, “Kali’s Child” was the PhD dissertation by Jeff Kripal at Univ of Chicago. The thesis concluded that Ramakrishna was homosexual, based on referring to various texts in Bengali. But later when challenged, the author admitted that he was not an expert in Bengali language. The book has sold well. It has angered many Hindus for what they consider its unfounded analysis and use of discredited Freudian theories. The Swami’s report is a welcome, in-depth analysis of what many believed to be flawed scholarship.