Hinduism Today

King Shivaji’s Fort Comes to America

Kids in Maharashtra—and now California—build mud forts during Diwali in honor of the great warrior’s victories hundreds of years ago […]

John Adams’ View of Hinduism

America’s second president wrote, “Where is to be found Phylosophy more profound than in the Introduction to the [Hindu] Shasta?”

My Family’s Covid Wedding

Ingenuity, improvisation and inspiration made it a great event  By Shaina Grover, 16, Irvine, California Hundreds of guests, enough food

A Step Beyond SBNR

A “Spiritual But Not Religious” life is not thefinal remedy for our inner aspirations By Chetana Wilson I had always thought

Quotes & Quips

“Put your heart, mind, intellect, and soul even to your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.” Swami Sivananda

Letters to the Editor 7-2021

Gratitude  Greetings of the day! I hope you are doing well. I was so excited when I saw our school

Global Dharma

THE ARTS Celebrating the Seminal Scripture  of Indian Dance The bharata muni temple is located in Pattipulam village, just an

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