April, 1994

April, 1994

Global Dharma

Praise for Indonesia At WHF Meeting The Nepal-based World Hindu Federation met in January in the holy city of Banares, […]


1 Sahasrara Illumination, Godliness. The spiritual mountaintop, pinnacle of light, energy and consciousness. Aham Brahmasmi, "I am That," is unveiled.

Portals of Perception

It's not a topic you will ever learn in school, nor is it likely to be part of a soul-searching


Each month for the past sixteen years we have filled this space with our musings and meanderings, our opinions, our

Letters to the Editor

Whose Turbans Concerning the photo of the dancing swamis before a Kali image in the Vivekananda centerspread [August, 1993] you

1994: Year of the Family

This year, 1994, designated "The Year of the Family" by the United Nations, will soon see the release from Vienna

Hindus Abandon Afghanistan

Kandahar in Afghanistan is a small town-a sleepy, four-bazaar town-but within its heart it holds a burden of griefs: ten-year-old

Spring Book Reviews

This month we set aside most of our longer reviews in order to share with readers an additional two dozen

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