January/February/March, 2011

January/February/March, 2011

Quotes and Quips

Suppose a thorn has pierced a man's foot. He picks up another thorn to pull out the one hurting him. […]


GREAT FESTIVAL ARTICLES Thank you for such unique coverage on Hindu customs, culture and more (“15 Hindu Festivals,” Apr/May/June 2010).

Global Dharma

A VICTORY FOR GANGA CHAMPIONS The thought of dams in the Himalayas evokes images of the giant, highly controversial Tehri

Digital Dharma: Education

Digital textbooks have been in the news lately for two very distinct and important reasons. In 2007, community college text

Book Reviews: Bollywood Weddings

Kavita Ramdya proposes that a new marriage paradigm has taken hold amongst our second-generation in Bollywood Weddings: Dating, Engagement, and

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