July/August/September, 2021

Lion Sage Children’s Book

Excerpts from a magical book for young children about yoga & the mind  Welcome to Lion Sage, a spiritual adventure

Divine Coalescence

A rishi’s rhapsody on the yogic path of complete union in God The following text is from Rishi Tirumular’s Tirumantiram

John Adams’ View of Hinduism

America’s second president wrote, “Where is to be found Phylosophy more profound than in the Introduction to the [Hindu] Shasta?”

My Family’s Covid Wedding

Ingenuity, improvisation and inspiration made it a great event  By Shaina Grover, 16, Irvine, California Hundreds of guests, enough food

A Step Beyond SBNR

A “Spiritual But Not Religious” life is not thefinal remedy for our inner aspirations By Chetana Wilson I had always thought

Quotes & Quips

“Put your heart, mind, intellect, and soul even to your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.” Swami Sivananda

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