March, 1999

March, 1999

Caught in the Middle

They stormed in without warning, 300 men who burned Bibles and told Hindu students that their Christian school was trying


PAKISTAN Upset Pilgrims Shiva Bajaj and 86 fellow Indian pilgrims didn’t enjoy the serene experience they expected during a week-long

Global Astrologer

By Umananda Quong R. BANGALORE VENKATA RAMAN, one of the greatest astrologers of the modern era, passed from the earthly

Digital Dharma

HISTORY Timeline If you love history, you'll love IndiaWorld's vast timeline ( Curious about Buddha's enlightenment, invasions of Alexander the

Delhi’s Discontented Cows

The city of Delhi employs 100 “cow catchers” to deal with the approximately 40,000 cows which freely wander the city’s

India’s Holocaust

The great genocides of history are rarely taught in school. Only the Jews have succeeded in publicizing what happened to

Safer Cyber Surfing

Imagine your child sitting in front of the family computer, researching how kids can get involved in politics. Opening an

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