November/December, 2000

November/December, 2000

The Original Disc Doctor

By Michael Bowden At first glance, the quiet Manhattan suburb of Nanuet, New York, seems worlds away from the sound […]

Our Publisher Honored

Two hundred and fifty meditators, diplomats and friends gathered to honor Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami on August 25, 2000, at the

Chariot of the Gods

Stephen Parmley, Sunithi Narayan and Barbara Goodbody The crowd’s energy builds as the priest begins the recitation of sacred mantras.

The Immigrant Blues

By Sivakamasundari Shanmugasundaram Saivism is an orthodox religion, conservative in its ways and yet pliant and understanding. It is simultaneously

Better Dicipline

In a recent visit to Kauai, Hawaii, Jane Nelsen conducted a Positive Discipline training session for people who want to


Taco Bell Blues In “How to Ease Karma” (July/August 2000), using the example of the devout Hindu couple unintentionally eating

Quotes & Quips

"I AM IN EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING IS IN ME." Bhagwan Nityananda (died 1961) [00nov_fande.jpeg] When individuals change for the better, then

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