
Stevia Rebaudiana: How Sweet It Is!

By Devananda Tandavan Stevia Rebaudiana has has been growing wild in upper South America for centuries and is now cultivated

Ways to Soothe that Heartburn

By Devananda Tandavan Thirty percent of the American public suffers from it at least once a month and 10 percent

A Toxic Monster In Your Mouth

If you have silver amalgam dental fillings, you may have a time bomb ticking in your mouth. Amalgam is a

DHEA – Menace or Miracle?

Stop aging now!” “Do we have the fountain of youth?” These are some of the exaggerated claims found in the

Veggie: Norm in the Dorm

By Maryellen La Bosco, New York While vegetarianism is no longer an aberration in America, at Sarah Lawrence College in

Beedies, a New American Fad

When the marlboro man moved to India, who would have guessed that “Ganesha Beedies” would invade America in revenge? Strange

Antidotes For Andropause

By Devananda Tandavan Are you a man 45 years or older who is finding himself becoming more irritable and argumentative

The Yoga of Endurance

Sri Chinmoy beats 65 Age is in the mind and not in the heart. With determination we can con-quer the

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