Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami

Visiting a Hindu Temple

A Beginner’s Guide  Be they luxurious palaces, rustic warehouses, simple halls or stone sanctuaries, Hindu temples are springing up all […]

Concentration & Willpower

Exploring how our meditative life strengthens the outer and our external life sharpens the tools to go within By Satguru

Daily Spiritual Practice Is a Must

Finding and following a routine is the secret to success. Let’s talk about worship, introspection, affirmation and scriptural study. By

God and Love: the Hindu View

From loving God (as separate) to the unitive experience of one’s self with God, is well-mapped in Indian theology By

What Is Spiritual Unfoldment?

In the search for God, we discover that the entire universe is sacred, and ultimately realize that Divinity is within

Merit, Demerit & Liberation

Yes, perform good deeds, but know there is more involved in the soul-maturing process leading to freedom from rebirth By

Letters to the Editor

Mindfulness “The Hindu View of Mindfulness”(Publisher’s Desk, Oct/Nov/Dec 2019) is a great study for those interested in understanding the Hindu

Virtual Reality & Temple Mysticism

Comparing the Evolving Digital World and Metaverse With Experience in the Traditional Hindu Innerverse By Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami  It’s no

The Satguru Lineage Continues

Over-qualified” was Gurudeva’s one-word description of his chosen successor, Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami, as he placed the gold rudraksha pendant on

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