
What Is Dirt Really Worth?

The regenerative agriculture of ancient India focused for good reason on the health of the soil By Dr. Appachanda Thimmaiah  […]

From the Vedas – True Love

A transcendental perspective on the power behind all existence he following is from Raimon Panikkar’s translation of the Atharvaveda. The

You Are All Things

A Vedic reflection on That which is in and through all existence The following is a translation of the Svetasvatara

From the Upanishads: At Life’s End

Vedic elucidations on the natural transition from human life The following is a translation of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad’s chapter four,

What Is the Primal Cause?

From the Upanishads Reflections on the subtle origins of existence, resident within us all The following is a translation of

Nine Beliefs of Hinduism

Our beliefs determine our thoughts and attitudes about life, which in turn direct our actions. By our actions, we create

Global Dharma

Youth Time to Get Woke IN LATE MAY OF 2019, STUDENTS and young professionals from the US tri-state area of

From the Vedas: Knowers of Brahman

The Shvetashvatara Upanishad Describes the One All-Pervading Being The following is an excerpt from the Yajurveda’s Shvetashvatara Upanishad, section 3, 7-21, describing

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