
The Meat-Free Life

Five good reasons to be a vegetarian and 10 arguments against eating meat There are more that a few Hindus

Russian Vegetarianism?

BY JANE SRIVASTAVA A joke from my birthplace goes something like this: Someone not familiar with Russia asks a Russian:

Feasting in the Land of Gods

BY LAVINA MELWANI For Hindus, food and religious devotion are intricately entwined. I grew up in New Delhi and remember

Can Cattle Threaten Our Life?

Howard Lyman, once a “factory ” cattle farmer, now vegan, is the founder and president of Voice for a Viable

McDonald’s Fries: Not Done Yet

It was started by a Seattle lawyer, Harish Bharti, a vegetarian Hindu who makes a habit out of identifying the

The Meat-Free Life

There are more that a few Hindus today who guiltily abandoned the vegetarian ways of their own parents and grandparents

Time to Veg Out

October 3, 1998, saw the Boston Vegetarian Society host numerous eateries, markets, nonprofit organizations and over 7,000 enthused visitors at

Meatless Motherhood

By Devananda Tandavan There is absolutely no requirement for humans, including pregnant humans, to ingest animal foods. We get along

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