April/May/June, 2023

Guru & Shishya

Exploring the Genius of India’s Guru-Shishya System of Spiritual Training and Transmission From the Teachings of Satguru Sivaya SubramuniyaswamiWith Essays […]

Virtual Reality & Temple Mysticism

Comparing the Evolving Digital World and Metaverse With Experience in the Traditional Hindu Innerverse By Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami  It’s no

Temple Inscriptions

Illuminating the pivotal role of ancient Hindu temples in the preservation of South India’s history encapsulated by chronicles carved in

Meet the Next Gen Dancers

Ranee Ramaswamy learned Bharatanatyam at an early age, but only found her destiny in it after migrating to the US

Guyana’s Diwali Parade Returns!

Temples and organizations across the country decorate elaborate floats in Hindu themes that wend their way through Georgetown at night

Hinduism: Nature’s Guardian

Here we explore a range of sacred plants and the unique ways Hindu beliefs in nature’s divinity have helped protect

From the Vedas – True Love

A transcendental perspective on the power behind all existence he following is from Raimon Panikkar’s translation of the Atharvaveda. The

Quotes & Quips

“Let innumerable births come! Go slowly. No hurry, no sorry, no worry!” – Siva Yogaswami (1872-1964), renowned Sri Lankan mystic

Why I Hold to Hindu Values

Our religion’s inherent tolerance and grasp of truth are keys to a peaceful world By Shreya Mahasenan Hinduism is known

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