March/April, 2000

March/April, 2000

Medics Win Nobel Prize

By Lavina Melwani Say the word “Kosovo” or “East Timor” and immediately images are conjured up of death and carnage. […]

Durga’s Delight

In the fall of every year, Nepal’s Kathmandu Valley revels in the colorful ten-day Dasain festival, celebrating the victory of

Quotes & Quips

"TO LISTEN TO SOME DEVOUT PEOPLE, ONE WOULD IMAGINE GOD NEVER LAUGHS" Aurobindo Ghose, Indian Philosopher(1872-1950) [00mar_fande.jpeg] Like a tortoise

Home, Sweet, Home

By Madhuri Shekar I was born in San Jose, California, and so was my brother, Niyantha, who is two years

Merchants of Spice

By Lavina Melwani The modern spice trader is likely to be a recycled immigrant engineer, accountant or other gray-cell professional

A Spicy History

Black pepper was once worth its weight in gold. That was more than sufficient reason for explorers such as Ferdinand


Teaching Tool Thank you again for the lovely service you’re providing in enabling us readers to partake of this veritable


BOVINE Cow's This? The cow is an extremely important part of human life. Hindus regard the cow, symbol of all

Cruelty-Free Classrooms

BY SWAMI SATYAMAYANANDA No child understands violent methods, be he Indian, American or Chinese. A child undergoing traumatic experiences inevitably

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