May/June, 2000

May/June, 2000

Family Relief At Last

By Amala Seyon Diane’s son, 13, sensed something had changed, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. Here […]

A Palace For the Gods

When a religious leader who is rooted in orthodox tradition inspires devotional zeal in devotees, that movement flourishes and endures.

The Lessons of Five Millennia

By Nawal Prinja Irrespective of one’s religious faith, the start of the new millennium affects all of us, because our

Nepal Flirts With Dowry

By Hari Bansh Jha Apart from her beauty, a nepalese girl in the Terai region needs a fat dowry to

Digital Dharma

RELIGION WHY? Why do we light a lamp? Why do we chant "Aum" and perform arati? Do we just do

Nine Questions

Back in the spring of 1990, a group of teenagers from the Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago, Lemont, sent a

Temple Trouble in Delhi

Point-Counterpoint  By Madhu Kishwar  and Rajiv Malik By Madhu Kishwar Last year while helping a friend to buy an apartment

The Price Brides Pay

By Choodie Shivaram In return for outstanding service to her local community, Meena was gifted a piece of property near

Milk Miracle Does a Boy Good

It was September 21, 1995, when in a temple in New Delhi Lord Ganesha quietly asked devotees, “Got milk?” The

Bringing Stone to Life

Following his profitable conquest of Karnataka, Kerala and northern Sri Lanka, the Tamil King Rajaraja Chola found himself with a

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