
The Return of the Temple Arts

By Vrindavanam S. Gopalakrishnan Keralite Hindus are coming to a renewed appreciation of traditions once branded as primitive, obsolete and […]

The Madame of Dance

By Vrindavanam S. Gopalakrishnan She used to be French. now, except for her name, she is much more a traditional

All Her Children

By Vrindavanam S. Gopalakrishnan It is a Hindu Temple, but each week one in four devotees seeking blessings at the

Compassion Hospital

India is a land where advanced medical services are unavailable or too expensive for many who need them. Now Sri

Rediscovering Ayurveda

By VRINDAVANAM S. GOPALAKRISHNAN K. Nair had a gut feeling, and it wasn’t caused by his painful peptic ulcer. Drugs

In the Lap of the Mother

By Nikki Lastreto Once again, Sri Mukambika–the “Silent Mother”–has called me back to her powerful temple in Kollur, a typical

Telling the Future by Shells

By Vrindavanam S. Gopalakrishnan Jyotish Surendran is in the 19th generation of a family of astrologers who trace their origins

Kerala Siva Temples

By VRINDAVANAM S. GOPALAKRISHNAN Two thousand and more timber temples dot Kerala’s verdant landscape. Devotee’s devotion have created them in

Sacred Psychiatry

By VRINDAVANAM S. GOPAIAKRISHNAN My wife developed mental problems when she was pregnant in 1965. All types of treatment, from

Kerala Controversy

By VRINDAVANAM S. GOPALAKRISHNAN The Kerala police anticipated resistence when they made their move to enforce a court-ordered transfer of

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