December, 1994

December, 1994


Are Souls and World Essentially Good? The intrinsic and real nature of all beings is their soul, which is goodness.

A Kinder Vision

She was one of India's darling film stars-pretty, vivacious and a stunning dancer. Winning overnight fame in a Tamil film

Sin and Suffering

Sin and suffering are a part of human life. We are not afflicted by anyone but ourselves. All is not

1994: Year in Review

1994 was a year of historic changes as so many selfless spiritual giants moved on to moksha. Apartheid fell in

Scriptural Quotes

He who dwells in the light, yet is other than the light, whom the light does not know, whose body

My Turn

The special section on Hindu marriage in the June issue of Hinduism Today has done a good service to the


This issue of Hinduism Today is like none other. We set aside some usual features to publish our seven-page Hindu

Letters to the Editor

Strength and Faith All over the world Hinduism is being attacked by other religious institutions. Your Hinduism Today will surely

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