July/August/September, 2006

July/August/September, 2006

God on My Desktop

BY KAUSALYA SAPTHARISHI Ever since I can remember, God always played an integral part in my traditional Tamil brahmin upbringing […]

Managing a Hindu Temple

BY KATHERINE NANDA In an ideal world, getting together to build an edifice for the worship of God would be

Cooking for Your Health

BY JANE SRIVASTAVA Although Eat, Taste, Heal: an Ayurvedic Cookbook for Modern Living, by Thomas Yarema, M.D., Daniel Rhoda and

Hindu Scriptures

The Word, verily, is greater than name. The Word, in fact, makes known the Rig Veda, the Yajur Veda, the

Protecting Women in Marriage

BY MADHU KISHWAR When a man commits domestic violence, he is using brute force to condition the women of his

Passing on Our Way of Life

BY LAVINA MELWANI For Hindu children who grow up in India, their religion is all around them. It resounds from

Quotes & Quips

Once a British author named Stuart wrote a book about Ramana Maharshi after living in his ashram. Some disciples of

Letters to the Editor 7-2006

The letter “In need of Hindu reform ” (Jan/Feb/Mar, 2006) truly depicts the sad situation of Hindus in Malaysia. Large

Who Is a True Brahmin?

India's caste system can be seen as a codification of social classes found in any human society. Whether the late

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