
My Unfortunate Conversion

How Christian evangelists slowly and rather deceptively lured me into joining their faith during my college days By Divya Jain, […]

The Day Robertson Vilified Hinduism

Our 1995 story on the recently retired evangelist recounts how he labeled Hinduism as “demonic” and advocated keeping Hindus out

Textbooks Get It Wrong

BY AMBIKA BEHAL Dr. Rakesh Bahadur, whose children are in the Fairfax County Public School (FCPS) system in northern Virginia,

An Unholy Business

The following article was excerpted from Rajiv Malhotra’s speech given at a conference, “Human Rights and Religion,” at Cornell University,

Tribals Return To Fold

Become Christians,” the evangelist promised, “and your malaria fever will be miraculously cured!” The uneducated tribals believed him and converted,

Pope: ‘Convert all Hindus’

The pope really did Hindus a favor with his November visit to India. He united Hindus and Buddhists in opposition

Baptists Apologize!

The Baptist pamphlet, “Divali, Festival of Light, Circle of Darkness,” is little different than most missionary literature aimed against Hindus.

Conversion’s Sordid Past

By Vamadeva Shastri The Christian activities in India are not unique. In fact, they are in lock step with more

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