
Divine Coalescence

A rishi’s rhapsody on the yogic path of complete union in God The following text is from Rishi Tirumular’s Tirumantiram […]

Hinduism: An Overview

Hinduism, also known as the Sanatana Dharma, or “Eternal Way,” is our planet’s original and oldest living religion, with over

Nepal: The Recluse Khaptad Baba

Originally a doctor, he meditated for 50 years in Nepal’s icy, isolated Himalayan foothills BY KAPIL BISHT, NEPAL KHAPTAD BABA (1880-1996), IF HE were still

Global Dharma

Youth Time to Get Woke IN LATE MAY OF 2019, STUDENTS and young professionals from the US tri-state area of

Global Dharma

INDIA Minority Status Granted IN MARCH, 2018, KARNATAKA’S Congress government granted minority status to Lingayats, a sect of the Virashaiva

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