April, 1987

April, 1987

Malaysia Celebrates Thai Pusam

Thai Pusam celebrates the giving of the Shakti Vel, the lance-like symbol of spiritual knowledge and incisive discrimination, to Lord […]

Victories and Setbacks

On December 12, 1986, Yogarishi Swami Gitananda Bhavanani and his wife Meenakshi Devi regained possession of their yoga center and

AMA Changes Rules of Death

Death and dying. They're subjects man has pondered and argued about for millennia. Most recently the American Medical Association has


When the Ramakrishna Mission opted for non-Hindu minority status to avoid government interference in Bengal in 1985, many Hindus were

Shirley MacLaine Meets Socrates

Remember the 60's? Singapore outlawed men with long hair. Materialism was out; protest and self-reflection were in. The Beatles brought

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