January/February/March, 2020

Nepal: The Recluse Khaptad Baba

Originally a doctor, he meditated for 50 years in Nepal’s icy, isolated Himalayan foothills BY KAPIL BISHT, NEPAL KHAPTAD BABA (1880-1996), IF HE were still

Tiruketheeswaram Temple

Four hundred years after its destruction, the temple extolled by the ancient Tamil saints rises once again in ornate granite

Science: The Mysteries of Memory

Our teenage correspondent explores the extremes of the human ability to remember, finding that some of the greatest accomplishments may

Food: Why Brown Rice Is Healthier

Why Brown Rice Is Healthier Almost everyone eats white rice—but should they? CAN YOU GUESS WHICH HIGHLY processed and very popular

Quotes & Quips

“There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen.” Rumi (1207 1273), Sufi mystic and poet I have learned silence from the

Letters to the Editor 1-2020

Politics in Your Magazine Regarding “India’s Historic 2019 Election” by Pandit Vamadeva Shastri (HINDUISM TODAY, Oct/Nov/Dec, 2019), I am a firm

Global Dharma

Bali Bans the Commercial Use of Sacred Dances IN SEPTEMBER 2019 THE BALINESE GOVERNMENT made a move to help prevent Bali’s

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