January/February/March, 2012

January/February/March, 2012

Book Reviews

A LINEAGE OF MYSTIC MASTERS Anyone on the spiritual path knows it is rare that the illumined lives of yogis

Digital Dharma: Blogs

Blog is short for "web log," a website that is updated regularly by an individual or organization with new articles

Special Feature: Kailash Yatra

BY T.S. MOHAN Who among Siva’s devotees could say he never wanted to visit Mount Kailash, God’s eternal abode? In

Quotes and Quips

It's important to go into solitude from time to time and think about God, especially for those who busy themselves

Youth: Beyond My Dual Identities

BY SOHINI SIRCAR Many American Hindus view their lives as having two poles. They display their Hindu side at home

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