January/February/March, 2019

Are Humans Natural Herbivores?

Our teenage correspondent offers evidence supporting a vegetarian diet, including human and animal anatomy, biochemistry and more BY MAYURESH VISSWANATHAN,CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA HUMAN […]

Letters to the Editor 1-2019

Gurudeva’s Toolbox HINDUISM TODAY’S, Oct/Nov/Dec 2018, issue has a stunning article called “Gurudeva’s Toolbox.” It’s an amazing summation of the spiritual

Global Dharma

INDIA Amarnath Yatra Concludes THIS YEAR’S TWO-MONTH-long Amarnath yatra was peacefully conducted and the traditional prayers were made at the

Claiming Your Omnipresence

How to separate your awareness from what you are aware of and enjoy a part of your mind that is

Digital Dharma

ART Explore Thousands of Art Gems On Our New Web App, HAMSA FOR FIVE DECADES THE MONKS AT KAUAI’S Hindu

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