March, 1996

March, 1996

Scriptural Quotes

He alone is learned, he alone is fortunate and successful, whose mind is no longer unstable as air, but is […]

Israel’s Family of Moses

Recently I asked parents of 12-year-old students, "What Jewish values were passed on to you from your family which you

The Family in Buddhism

A family consists of a married couple and their children. It is a group of people tied by the same

The Family in Islam

The "Family" is a network of relationships: relationships between husband and wife, brothers and sisters, parents and children. These three

Bahá’í’s Family of Unity

"And when He desired to manifest grace and beneficence to men, and to set the world in order, He revealed

Rome’s Catholic Family

By Father Pedro Richards, C.P. There is a Spanish saying that runs like this: "All depends on the lens through

An Akan Queen Speaks

Family in the Ghanaian context is not what today is called "nuclear," consisting of husband, wife and children. It is

Global Family Education

We have been speaking with many parents lately, in India, Singapore, Malaysia and the US, about the challenges that are

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