Hinduism Today

Quotes & Quips

“Eventually, all that one has learned will have to be forgotten” Ramana Maharshi (1879-1950) That which is formless, which is of

From the Upanishads: At Life’s End

Vedic elucidations on the natural transition from human life The following is a translation of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad’s chapter four,

Rice with Spice Is Twice as Nice

The fascinating biography and “I-didn’t-know-that” facts of the unpretentious grain that feeds half the world BY SADASIVANATHASWAMI, EDITOR Prolog: Behold

“What’s Your Real Name?”

Reflections on the cultural, religious and social importance found within our moniker  By Keshav Fulbrook I was 23 when i was

Letters to the Editor 4-2021

Navigating Tough Times The article “Navigating Challenging Times” means the world to me, because this is one of the most

Global Dharma

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Fashioning Abu Dhabi’s First Hindu Temple EVEN WHILE NAVIGATING THE challenges of Covid-19, the BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha

A Daily Regimen of Hindu Practices

Advice for establishing a regular routine of spiritual practice leading to a more fulfilling inner life and a more effective

The Wonders of Coriander

For at least four thousand years, this versatile herb has enlivened the dishes and drinks of cuisines across the world

Digital Dharma

HAMSA: Himalayan Academy’sMuseum of Spiritual Art For over five decades, the monks at Kauai’s Hindu Monastery in Hawaii have been

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