July, 1998

July, 1998

Better Discipline

Once parents resolve to never hit their children, what are they to do? There are many specific methods, but first

Growing Up Afraid

By Choodie Shivaram At times, I confess, I have hit my own son. He would take it quietly, and when

God’s Word, Sages’ Voices

Being overcome by fruits of his action, he enters a good or evil womb, so that his course is downward

Briefly . . .

INDIAN RAGAS AREN'T just for music lovers. For many disabled people, music is the easiest, pain-free cure, according to Mr.

Digital Dharma

SPANKING What Else To Do? Your gateway to nonviolent discipline on the Net is the No-Spanking website (www.cei.net/~rcox/nospan.html). From "20


A Divine Language Tamil is not just any local language, but a classical language with over 2,000 years of literary

Sparing The Child

By V. G. Julie Rajan Though they don’t say much about it, young Hindu adults today feel deep resentment and

Turning Cruel to Cool

By Archana Dongre On the heels of the racist “dot buster” incidents which occur in major US metropolises, a refreshing

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