Publisher’s Editorials

Videos of Satguru Bodhinatha’s Publisher’s Editorials can be viewed on the Hinduism Today YouTube channel

What Is Hinduism?

Our regular readers will already have noticed that this installment of Hinduism Today is not in our standard format. It […]

Lessons from a Simple Sage

Sometime around 1955 two devout Hindus visited my guru’s guru, an illumined master, Satguru Yogaswami of Sri Lanka. In that

How Our Soul Matures

In Hindu thought the concept of life and the soul are synonymous. For example, the Sanskrit word jiva refers to

The World Is an Ashram

In Hinduism we are fortunate to have many God-realized souls to guide us along the spiritual path. Their teachings are

Defining Our Faith

I had the opportunity recently to give a number of lectures, classes, seminars and presentations at our monastery in Hawaii,

The Hindu Trinity Myth

A few years ago a non-hindu professor who teaches world religions at a Texas University visited our monastery to learn

“Mom, Dad, Meet Elaine “

More and more Hindus in western countries are marrying non-Hindus. Many such couples meet while attending the same university. Those

Waves of Distress

Over the last few weeks, I have been asked by numerous individuals to share some thoughts on the massive global

Solidarity in Diversity

As the world rapidly becomes a global village, Hindu leaders are collectively discovering that Hindu unity is more important than

What Is True Success?

In today’s material world, success in life is popularly measured by looking solely at people’s professional and family life. Do

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