Girivalam—A Walk to Liberate

My circumambulation of Arunachala mountain in Thiruvannamalai for three years leads me towards ending the circle…

Luminary’s Giant Tribute Unveiled

The 216-foot-tall Statue of Equality near Hyderabad honors bhakti Saint Ramanujacharya to mark celebrations of his…

Making Mandirs Cool Again

Historically, the Hindu temple was not only the religious center of each village but a social,…

My Unfortunate Conversion

How Christian evangelists slowly and rather deceptively lured me into joining their faith during my college…

Yogic Freediving

How Going Deep Within Lets One Go Deep Below By Mayuresh Visswanathan If descending into the…

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Hinduism Today® Magazine is a nonprofit educational activity of Himalayan Academy with the following purposes: 1. To foster
Hindu solidarity as a unity in diversity among all sects and lineages; 2. To inform and inspire Hindus worldwide and people interested in Hinduism; 3. To dispel myths, illusions and misinformation about Hinduism; 4. To protect, preserve and promote the sacred Vedas and the Hindu religion; 5. To nurture and monitor the ongoing spiritual Hindu renaissance; 6. To publish a resource for Hindu leaders and educators who promote Sanatana Dharma.

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India’s Great Spiritual General Written by Swami Advayananda, Brahmacharini Taarini Chaitanya &…

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