
Embodying the Goddess

Vibrant traditional dress brings the Mayana Kollai’s fierce traditions to life Story By: Padma KrishnanAll Photos By: Anne Petry Shakti […]

Festivals: Navaratri

Download the full-color, newspaper-page-size PDF of this special festival feature from our Festival Pager Downloads Millions of Hindu women consider


BY WILLIAM FORBES Warm, sunny days with billowy cloudscapes and kite-flying breezes melt into the first chills of winter as

Hit Play on Ramanujan

BY LISA DROSTOVA Eight decades after his death at age 32, mathematician Srinivasa Iyengar Ramanujan is still swathed in mystery.

A Baffling Mind

BY IRAJA SIVADAS In the spring of 1994 I found myself in erode, Tamil Nadu, India, boarding a train with

Hit Play on Ramanujan

Special Review by Lisa Drostova Eight decades after his death at age 32, mathematician Srinivasa Iyengar Ramanujan is still swathed


By Kesava Mallia Besides the unique way it’s construction was originally inspired, the famous Adhi Parasakthi Temple of Melmaruvathur, just

The Little Goddess

By Bashudeb Dhar Kumari puja is a popular but frequently misunderstood devotional ceremony performed and attended by Hindus of the

A Life Changing Puja

By Stephen Huyler I had been to Padmapoda, a village in eastern India, a number of times previously to visit

All Her Children

By Vrindavanam S. Gopalakrishnan It is a Hindu Temple, but each week one in four devotees seeking blessings at the

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