April/May/June, 2019

From the Vedas: Knowers of Brahman

The Shvetashvatara Upanishad Describes the One All-Pervading Being The following is an excerpt from the Yajurveda’s Shvetashvatara Upanishad, section 3, 7-21, describing

Letters to the Editor 4-2019

It Has Changed My Life Thank you for the blessing: at the beginning of the month I received the September

Nine Rasas

The Rasas Nine Human Emotions From India’s Traditional Arts and Literature BY WIL GERAETS (WITH SIDEBARS BY LAKSHMI CHANDRASHEKAR SUBRAMANIAN)

Digital Dharma

The Saiva Priesthood Establishes a USA Community on the Web THERE ARE TWO GREAT BODIES OF revealed Saivite Hindu scripture. The Vedas detail

Global Dharma

USA The Rising Utilization of Yoga and Meditation IN NOVEMBER OF 2018, THE National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH),

Tribute to a Preeminent Teacher

In Canada, Priyamvada Sankar is passing along the heritage of Bharatanatyam dance tied to a deep appreciation for Hinduism and

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