Personal Practice

Bribery in India

Excerpted from The Week, May 25, 1997, “Grease To Go Around” by VIJAYA PUSHKARNA, with contributions from RAJIV MALIK, Delhi […]

Bribery: the Poor Man’s Extortion

By the Editor Bribery is not india’s private province, though she has taken its subtle arts to profound, almost philosophical,

Home Sanctuary

What is the center of your home? The kitchen, the workshop, the living room or den? The ancients designated a

Precious Precepts

Be they in India or transported to other cultures of the world, today’s Hindu youth are routinely tempted by Western

To Beat or Not to Beat?

He calls it the conspiracy of silence: the universal and chronic use of corporal punishment in America. Prof. Murray A.

Stars of Suicide

BY CHAKRAPANI ULLAL, Los ANGELES The extinction of the Heaven’s Gate group at the urging of Marshall Applewhite was not the

The Spaceship Suicide

On March 23, 1997, the first 15 members of Heaven’s Gate, a self-described “cult of cults,” mixed phenobarbital with sweet

That Old-Time Religion

By JESSICA SAUNDERS, Associated Press Judge Roy Moore displays a plaque of the Christian Ten Commandments in his courtroom and

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