Quotes & Quips


H. H. Pramukh Swami Maharaj, on the purposes for temples, one of which, he says, is to preserve the cleanliness of our soul


Worry is like a rocking chair–there is movement, but it doesn't take you anywhere. Indian artist V. Balu, talking about his One Man Global Peace Mission which he pursues through collage

Life's like a stream. One bank is the Vedas and the other is science and technology. If both banks are not firm, the water will scatter. If both banks are firm, the river will run its course. Veer Bhadra Mishra, professor of hydraulic engineering, on why Western technologies are not sufficient to solve the Ganges pollution problems, because the Ganges serves religious purposes. He is working on more holistic solutions.

In India some of our educated people, in the name of pseudo-progressivism, clutching to theories fashionable in the West 25 years ago, look down upon the vast majority who believe in traditional values. Fifty years have elapsed since the dawn of political independence, but many educated people are still not free from intellectual slavery. One need not be surprised if in the near future the Hindu way of life and Hindu beliefs come back to us via the West, especially the US. Respected Bangalore astrologer B.V. Raman reflecting on his travels through the US and Europe.

Some of us had forgotten our English workbooks. A young school student in India relating why his classmate, Jeet, was kicked in the back by mathematics teacher Lalit Kumar. Jeet later died from his injuries.

Americans are hungry for rituals involving fire, flowers, tiny lamps, which Hinduism provides. Christianity, especially the Protestant faith, is bereft of it. Tony, American lawyer in Los Angeles who frequents the Malibu Venkateswara temple. He says he likes Hindus' personal approach to God, treating Him like a family member.

As we go through life thinking heavy thoughts, thought particles get caught between the ears, causing a condition called truth decay. So be sure to use mental floss twice a day. Swami Beyondananda

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