Krishnaswami, V. The history of Europe, the history of the world, does not present another instance…

We’re Out of Sorts

Marshall McLuhan wasn't talking about psychics when he said, "The medium is the message." He meant…

Hindu Encyclopedia in Ten Years

Professor K.L. Seshagiri Rao is exuberant His voice, at age 58, still sounds youthful, like the…

Gurudeva on Siva’s Love

When Lord Siva comes to a temple in the form of Siva Lingam, you have everything-love,…

Uproar Over Rajput ‘Sati’

A pretty, young bride of eight months, Roop Kanwar gained universal fame September 4th at Rajasthan's…

Gurudeva on Mission Work

Subramuniyaswami, Sivaya A talk by Sivaya Subramuniyaswami given at the Saiva Siddhanta Church Concord Mission at…

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Hinduism Today® Magazine is a nonprofit educational activity of Himalayan Academy with the following purposes: 1. To foster
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India’s Great Spiritual General Written by Swami Advayananda, Brahmacharini Taarini Chaitanya &…

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